GO Term : GO:0007585 respiratory gaseous exchange GO

Namespace:  biological_process Obsolete:  false
description  The process of gaseous exchange between an organism and its environment. In plants, microorganisms, and many small animals, air or water makes direct contact with the organism's cells or tissue fluids, and the processes of diffusion supply the organism with dioxygen (O2) and remove carbon dioxide (CO2). In larger animals the efficiency of gaseous exchange is improved by specialized respiratory organs, such as lungs and gills, which are ventilated by breathing mechanisms.

0 Cross References

1 Data Sets

Name URL
InterPro domain GO annotations  

1 Ontology


29 Ontology Annotations

Class GO Term Gene Name Db
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Cagra.1189s0011  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Cagra.1189s0011.1.p GO
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Cagra.1189s0012  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Cagra.1189s0012.1.p GO
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Cagra.0248s0102  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Cagra.0248s0102.1.p GO
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Cagra.3957s0019  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Cagra.3957s0019.1.p GO
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Cagra.4739s0006  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Cagra.4739s0006.1.p GO
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Cagra.5575s0007  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Cagra.5575s0007.1.p GO
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.A01246  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.A01246.1.p GO
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.A02728  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.A02728.1.p GO
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.A02728.2.p GO
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.C03871  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.C03871.1.p GO
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.E01720.1.p GO
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.E01720  
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.E01790  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.E01790.1.p GO
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.I00770  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Brara.I00770.1.p GO
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 Medtr4g094222  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0007585 Medtr4g094222.1 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 IPR001729  
GOAnnotation GO:0007585 IPR018051  

5 Parents

Identifier Name Description
GO:0007585 respiratory gaseous exchange The process of gaseous exchange between an organism and its environment. In plants, microorganisms, and many small animals, air or water makes direct contact with the organism's cells or tissue fluids, and the processes of diffusion supply the organism with dioxygen (O2) and remove carbon dioxide (CO2). In larger animals the efficiency of gaseous exchange is improved by specialized respiratory organs, such as lungs and gills, which are ventilated by breathing mechanisms.
GO:0044699 single-organism process A biological process that involves only one organism.
GO:0008150 biological_process Any process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end.
GO:0044707 single-multicellular organism process A biological process occurring within a single, multicellular organism.
GO:0032501 multicellular organismal process Any biological process, occurring at the level of a multicellular organism, pertinent to its function.

18 Relations

Parent Term . Identifier

Child Term . Identifier
is_a GO:0007585 GO:0002086
regulates GO:0007585 GO:0002087
regulates GO:0007585 GO:0002087
is_a GO:0007585 GO:0003016
is_a GO:0044707 GO:0007585
is_a GO:0008150 GO:0007585
is_a GO:0044699 GO:0007585
is_a GO:0032501 GO:0007585
regulates GO:0007585 GO:0043576
regulates GO:0007585 GO:0043576
regulates GO:0007585 GO:0044064
regulates GO:0007585 GO:0044065
negatively regulates GO:0007585 GO:1903941
negatively regulates GO:0007585 GO:1903941
regulates GO:0007585 GO:1903941
positively regulates GO:0007585 GO:1903942
positively regulates GO:0007585 GO:1903942
regulates GO:0007585 GO:1903942

2 Synonyms

Name Type
respiration synonym
breathing synonym