Protein : Cagra.5249s0007.1.p C. grandiflora v1.1

Secondary Identifier:  PAC:28918131 Organism Name:  Capsella grandiflora
Length:  769   Name:  Cagra.5249s0007.1.p
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Ontology Annotation Displayer

Protein Family Displayer

Protein Feature Displayer


2 Protein Domains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR019542 Domain Enhancer of polycomb-like, N-terminal
IPR024943 Family Enhancer of polycomb protein


1 CDSs

DB identifier Length Chromosome Location
Organism . Name
Cagra.5249s0007.1_CDS 2310   Scaffold5249: 17561-20373 Capsella grandiflora

9 Ontology Annotations

Ontology Term Db Gene/Protein Name
PTHR14898 PANTHER Cagra.5249s0007.1.p
PTHR14898:SF2 PANTHER Cagra.5249s0007.1.p
IPR024943 InterPro Cagra.5249s0007.1.p
KOG2261 KOG Cagra.5249s0007.1.p
GO:0035267 GO Cagra.5249s0007.1.p
IPR019542 InterPro Cagra.5249s0007.1.p
GO:0006357 GO Cagra.5249s0007.1.p
GO:0032777 GO Cagra.5249s0007.1.p
PF10513 PFAM Cagra.5249s0007.1.p

0 Pathway Components

0 Pathways