GO Term : GO:0016226 iron-sulfur cluster assembly GO

Namespace:  biological_process Obsolete:  false
description  The incorporation of iron and exogenous sulfur into a metallo-sulfur cluster.

0 Cross References

1 Data Sets

Name URL
InterPro domain GO annotations  

1 Ontology


10158 Ontology Annotations

Class GO Term Gene Name Db
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 230831  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 230831 GO
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 85320 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 85320  
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 6707  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 6707 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 437388  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 437388 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 67451  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 67451 GO
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 16556 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 16556  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 170465 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 170465  
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 228144  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 228144 GO
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 98589 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 98589  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 173619 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 173619  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 58377 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 58377  
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 103203  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 103203 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 7007  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 7007 GO
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 48861 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 48861  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0016226 151749 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0016226 151749  

10 Parents

Identifier Name Description
GO:0008152 metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways, including anabolism and catabolism, by which living organisms transform chemical substances. Metabolic processes typically transform small molecules, but also include macromolecular processes such as DNA repair and replication, and protein synthesis and degradation.
GO:0009058 biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of substances; typically the energy-requiring part of metabolism in which simpler substances are transformed into more complex ones.
GO:0016226 iron-sulfur cluster assembly The incorporation of iron and exogenous sulfur into a metallo-sulfur cluster.
GO:0016043 cellular component organization A process that results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a cellular component.
GO:0009987 cellular process Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, but not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level.
GO:0071840 cellular component organization or biogenesis A process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a cellular component.
GO:0008150 biological_process Any process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end.
GO:0022607 cellular component assembly The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a cellular component.
GO:0044085 cellular component biogenesis A process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, and arrangement of constituent parts of a cellular component. Includes biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, and those macromolecular modifications that are involved in synthesis or assembly of the cellular component.
GO:0031163 metallo-sulfur cluster assembly The incorporation of a metal and exogenous sulfur into a metallo-sulfur cluster.

58 Relations

Parent Term . Identifier

Child Term . Identifier
is_a GO:0009058 GO:0016226
is_a GO:0031163 GO:0016226
is_a GO:0009987 GO:0016226
part of GO:0008150 GO:0016226
part of GO:0071840 GO:0016226
part of GO:0044085 GO:0016226
is_a GO:0071840 GO:0016226
is_a GO:0008150 GO:0016226
is_a GO:0016043 GO:0016226
is_a GO:0008152 GO:0016226
is_a GO:0022607 GO:0016226
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018283
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018284
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018285
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018287
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018288
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018290
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018291
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018299
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018301
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018302
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018303
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018304
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018305
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018306
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018415
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018416
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018417
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018418
is_a GO:0016226 GO:0018441

2 Synonyms

Name Type
iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis synonym
iron-sulphur cluster assembly synonym