GO Term : GO:0012511 monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body GO

Namespace:  cellular_component Obsolete:  false
description  A subcellular organelle of plant cells surrounded by 'half-unit' or a monolayer membrane instead of the more usual bilayer. The storage body has a droplet of triglyceride surrounded by a monolayer of phospholipids, interacting with the triglycerides and the hydrophilic head groups facing the cytosol, and containing major protein components called oleosins.

0 Cross References

1 Data Sets

Name URL
InterPro domain GO annotations  

1 Ontology


10158 Ontology Annotations

Class GO Term Gene Name Db
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 18574  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 18574 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 28429  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 28429 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 84903  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 84903 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 407827  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 407827 GO
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 403436 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 403436  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 18324 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 18324  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 95560 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 95560  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 18412 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 18412  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 evm.model.supercontig_1077.3 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 evm.TU.supercontig_1077.3  
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 evm.TU.supercontig_110.15  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 evm.model.supercontig_110.15 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 evm.TU.supercontig_13.249  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 evm.model.supercontig_13.249 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 evm.TU.supercontig_13.63  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 evm.model.supercontig_13.63 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 evm.TU.supercontig_1868.2  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 evm.model.supercontig_1868.2 GO
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 29794.m003372 GO
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 29794.t000071  
GOAnnotation GO:0012511 29917.t000061  
OntologyAnnotation GO:0012511 29917.m001992 GO

11 Parents

Identifier Name Description
GO:0005622 intracellular The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
GO:0012511 monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body A subcellular organelle of plant cells surrounded by 'half-unit' or a monolayer membrane instead of the more usual bilayer. The storage body has a droplet of triglyceride surrounded by a monolayer of phospholipids, interacting with the triglycerides and the hydrophilic head groups facing the cytosol, and containing major protein components called oleosins.
GO:0044464 cell part Any constituent part of a cell, the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms.
GO:0044424 intracellular part Any constituent part of the living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
GO:0005575 cellular_component The part of a cell or its extracellular environment in which a gene product is located. A gene product may be located in one or more parts of a cell and its location may be as specific as a particular macromolecular complex, that is, a stable, persistent association of macromolecules that function together.
GO:0005623 cell The basic structural and functional unit of all organisms. Includes the plasma membrane and any external encapsulating structures such as the cell wall and cell envelope.
GO:0043226 organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton, and prokaryotic structures such as anammoxosomes and pirellulosomes. Excludes the plasma membrane.
GO:0043229 intracellular organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, occurring within the cell. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton. Excludes the plasma membrane.
GO:0043228 non-membrane-bounded organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, not bounded by a lipid bilayer membrane. Includes ribosomes, the cytoskeleton and chromosomes.
GO:0043232 intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, not bounded by a lipid bilayer membrane and occurring within the cell. Includes ribosomes, the cytoskeleton and chromosomes.
GO:0005811 lipid particle An intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle comprising a matrix of coalesced lipids surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer. May include associated proteins.

13 Relations

Parent Term . Identifier

Child Term . Identifier
is_a GO:0005811 GO:0012511
part of GO:0044464 GO:0012511
is_a GO:0043232 GO:0012511
is_a GO:0044464 GO:0012511
is_a GO:0044424 GO:0012511
is_a GO:0043226 GO:0012511
is_a GO:0005575 GO:0012511
part of GO:0005623 GO:0012511
is_a GO:0043228 GO:0012511
part of GO:0005622 GO:0012511
is_a GO:0043229 GO:0012511
part of GO:0005575 GO:0012511
part of GO:0012511 GO:0034430

5 Synonyms

Name Type
oilbody synonym
oleosome synonym
oil body synonym
spherosome synonym
GO:0009520 alt_id