Protein Domain : IPR016019

Type:  Domain Name:  Guanine nucleotide exchange factor SopE, GEF domain
Description:  The type III secretion system of Gram-negative bacteria is used to transport virulence factors from the pathogen directly into the host cell [] and is only triggered when the bacterium comes into close contact with the host. Effector proteins secreted by the type III system do not possess a secretion signal, and are considered unique because of this. Salmonella spp. secrete an effector protein called SopE that is responsible for stimulating the reorganisation of the host cell actin cytoskeleton, and ruffling of the cellular membrane []. It acts as a guanyl-nucleotide-exchange factor on Rho-GTPase proteins such as Cdc42 and Rac. As it is imperative for the bacterium to revert the cell back to its "normal" state as quickly as possible, another tyrosine phosphatase effector called SptP reverses the actions brought about by SopE []. Recently, it has been found that SopE and its protein homologue SopE2 can activate different sets of Rho-GTPases in the host cell []. Far from being a redundant set of two similar type III effectors, they both act in unison to specifically activate different Rho-GTPase signalling cascades in the host cell during infection.This entry represents the guanine nucleotide exchange factor domain of SopE. This domain has an alpha-helical structure consisting of two three-helix bundles arranged in a lamdba shape [, ]. Short Name:  SopE_GEF_dom

0 Child Features

0 Contains

2 Cross Referencess


1 Found In

DB identifier Type Name
IPR005414 Family Guanine nucleotide exchange factor SopE

4 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0005085 IPR016019
GO:0009405 IPR016019
GO:0031532 IPR016019
GO:0090630 IPR016019

4 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0005085 IPR016019
GO:0009405 IPR016019
GO:0031532 IPR016019
GO:0090630 IPR016019

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

5 Publications

First Author Title Year Journal Volume Pages PubMed ID