Protein Domain : IPR016371

Type:  Family Name:  RNA polymerase sigma-H factor
Description:  This entry represents RNA polymerase sigma-H factor found in bacteria. Sigma factors are initiation factors that promote the attachment of RNA polymerase to specific initiation sites and are then released. The major sigma factor in most bacteria is sigma-A. Sigma-H, the sigH (spo0H) gene product, directs the transcription of several genes that function in the transition from exponential growth to stationary phase, including the initiation of spore formation and entry into the state of genetic competence []. Short Name:  RNA_pol_sigma-H_factor

1 Child Features

DB identifier Type Name
IPR014218 Family RNA polymerase sigma-H type

5 Contains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR011991 Domain Winged helix-turn-helix DNA-binding domain
IPR013325 Domain RNA polymerase sigma factor, region 2
IPR007627 Domain RNA polymerase sigma-70 region 2
IPR000943 Domain RNA polymerase sigma-70
IPR013249 Domain RNA polymerase sigma factor 70, region 4 type 2

1 Cross References


0 Found In

3 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0003677 IPR016371
GO:0016987 IPR016371
GO:0006351 IPR016371

3 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0003677 IPR016371
GO:0016987 IPR016371
GO:0006351 IPR016371

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

1 Publications

First Author Title Year Journal Volume Pages PubMed ID