Protein Domain : IPR004719

Type:  Domain Name:  Phosphotransferase system, maltose/glucose-specific subfamily IIC component
Description:  Bacterial PTS transporters transport and concomitantly phosphorylate their sugar substrates, and typically consist of multiple subunits or protein domains. The Glc family includes permeases specific for glucose, N-acetylglucosamine and a large variety of alpha- and beta-glucosides. However, not all b-glucoside PTS permeases are in this class, as the cellobiose (Cel) beta-glucoside PTS permease is in the Lac family.Several of the Escherichia coli PTS permeases in the Glc family lack their own IIA domains and instead use the glucose IIA protein (IIAglc or Crr). Most of these permeases have the B and C domains linked together in a single polypeptide chain, and a cysteyl residue in the IIB domain is phosphorylated by direct phosphoryl transfer from IIAglc(his~P). Those permeases which lack a IIA domain include the maltose (Mal), arbutin-salicin-cellobiose (ASC), trehalose (Tre), putative glucoside (Glv) and sucrose (Scr) permeases of E. coli. Most, but not all Scr permeases of other bacteria also lack a IIA domain. This entry is specific for the IIC domain of this type of Glc family PTS transporters. Short Name:  PTS_maltose/Glc_sub_IIC

0 Child Features

0 Contains

1 Cross References


2 Found Ins

DB identifier Type Name
IPR010975 Family Phosphotransferase system, alpha-glucoside-specific IIBC component
IPR011301 Family PTS system, maltose/glucose-specific IIBC component

3 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0008982 IPR004719
GO:0009401 IPR004719
GO:0016021 IPR004719

3 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0008982 IPR004719
GO:0009401 IPR004719
GO:0016021 IPR004719

1 Parent Features

DB identifier Type Name
IPR013013 Domain Phosphotransferase system, EIIC component, type 1

0 Proteins

0 Publications