Protein Domain : IPR019760

Type:  Conserved_site Name:  DNA-directed DNA polymerase, family A, conserved site
Description:  DNA carries the biological information that instructs cells how to exist in an ordered fashion: accurate replication is thus one of the mostimportant events in the cell life cycle. This function is mediated by DNA-directed DNA-polymerases, which add nucleotide triphosphate (dNTP)residues to the 5'-end of the growing DNA chain, using a complementary DNA as template. Small RNA molecules are generally used as primers forchain elongation, although terminal proteins may also be used. Three motifs, A, B and C [], are seen to be conserved across all DNA-polymerases, with motifs A and C also seen in RNA- polymerases. They are centred on invariant residues, and their structural significance was implied from the Klenow (Escherichia coli) structure: motif A contains a strictly-conserved aspartate at the junction of a beta-strand and an alpha-helix; motif B contains an alpha-helix with positive charges; and motif C has a doublet of negative charges, located in a beta-turn-beta secondary structure [].DNA polymerases () can be classified, on the basis of sequence similarity [, ], into at least four different groups: A, B, C and X. Members of family X are small (about 40 kDa) compared with other polymerases and encompass two distinct polymerase enzymes that have similar functionality: vertebrate polymerase beta (same as yeast pol 4), and terminal deoxynucleotidyl-transferase (TdT) (). The former functions in DNA repair, while the latter terminally adds single nucleotides to polydeoxynucleotide chains.Both enzymes catalyse addition of nucleotides in a distributive manner, i.e. they dissociate from the template-primer after addition of each nucleotide.DNA-polymerases show a degree of structural similarity with RNA-polymerases.Five regions of similarity are found in all the polymerases of this entry. The signature of this entry is to the conserved region, known as 'motif B' []; motif B is located in a domain which, in E. coli polA, has been shown to bind deoxynucleotide triphosphate substrates; it contains a conserved tyrosine which has been shown, by photo-affinity labelling, to be in the active site; a conserved lysine, also part of this motif, can be chemically labelled, using pyridoxal phosphate. Short Name:  DNA-dir_DNA_pol_A_CS

0 Child Features

0 Contains

1 Cross References


4 Found Ins

DB identifier Type Name
IPR001098 Domain DNA-directed DNA polymerase, family A, palm domain
IPR002298 Family DNA polymerase A
IPR018320 Family DNA polymerase 1
IPR002297 Family DNA-directed DNA-polymerase, family A, mitochondria

2 GO Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0003887 IPR019760
GO:0006260 IPR019760

2 Ontology Annotations

GO Term Gene Name
GO:0003887 IPR019760
GO:0006260 IPR019760

0 Parent Features

0 Proteins

2 Publications

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