GO Term : GO:0050871 positive regulation of B cell activation GO

Namespace:  biological_process Obsolete:  false
description  Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of B cell activation.

0 Cross References

0 Data Sets

1 Ontology


0 Ontology Annotations

24 Parents

Identifier Name Description
GO:0009987 cellular process Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, but not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level.
GO:0002682 regulation of immune system process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of an immune system process.
GO:0044763 single-organism cellular process Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, occurring within a single organism.
GO:0044699 single-organism process A biological process that involves only one organism.
GO:0008150 biological_process Any process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end.
GO:0065007 biological regulation Any process that modulates a measurable attribute of any biological process, quality or function.
GO:0050794 regulation of cellular process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a cellular process, any of those that are carried out at the cellular level, but are not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level.
GO:0050789 regulation of biological process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a biological process. Biological processes are regulated by many means; examples include the control of gene expression, protein modification or interaction with a protein or substrate molecule.
GO:0048522 positive regulation of cellular process Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of a cellular process, any of those that are carried out at the cellular level, but are not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level.
GO:0048518 positive regulation of biological process Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of a biological process. Biological processes are regulated by many means; examples include the control of gene expression, protein modification or interaction with a protein or substrate molecule.
GO:0046649 lymphocyte activation A change in morphology and behavior of a lymphocyte resulting from exposure to a specific antigen, mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor.
GO:0045321 leukocyte activation A change in morphology and behavior of a leukocyte resulting from exposure to a specific antigen, mitogen, cytokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor.
GO:0001775 cell activation A change in the morphology or behavior of a cell resulting from exposure to an activating factor such as a cellular or soluble ligand.
GO:0002376 immune system process Any process involved in the development or functioning of the immune system, an organismal system for calibrated responses to potential internal or invasive threats.
GO:0042113 B cell activation The change in morphology and behavior of a mature or immature B cell resulting from exposure to a mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or an antigen for which it is specific.
GO:0002684 positive regulation of immune system process Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of an immune system process.
GO:0002694 regulation of leukocyte activation Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of leukocyte activation.
GO:0050865 regulation of cell activation Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of cell activation, the change in the morphology or behavior of a cell resulting from exposure to an activating factor such as a cellular or soluble ligand.
GO:0050864 regulation of B cell activation Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of B cell activation.
GO:0051249 regulation of lymphocyte activation Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of lymphocyte activation.
GO:0050871 positive regulation of B cell activation Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of B cell activation.
GO:0050867 positive regulation of cell activation Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of activation.
GO:0002696 positive regulation of leukocyte activation Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of leukocyte activation.
GO:0051251 positive regulation of lymphocyte activation Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of lymphocyte activation.

48 Relations

Parent Term . Identifier

Child Term . Identifier
is_a GO:0050871 GO:0001926
is_a GO:0050871 GO:0002900
is_a GO:0050871 GO:0002916
is_a GO:0050871 GO:0030890
is_a GO:0050871 GO:0031296
is_a GO:0050871 GO:0045579
is_a GO:0050871 GO:0045830
is_a GO:0050871 GO:0048295
is_a GO:0050871 GO:0048298
is_a GO:0050871 GO:0048301
is_a GO:0050871 GO:0048304
positively regulates GO:0042113 GO:0050871
positively regulates GO:0042113 GO:0050871
is_a GO:0050864 GO:0050871
is_a GO:0051251 GO:0050871
is_a GO:0065007 GO:0050871
positively regulates GO:0009987 GO:0050871
is_a GO:0048518 GO:0050871
regulates GO:0042113 GO:0050871
positively regulates GO:0002376 GO:0050871
regulates GO:0045321 GO:0050871
is_a GO:0002696 GO:0050871
is_a GO:0002694 GO:0050871
regulates GO:0044699 GO:0050871
regulates GO:0002376 GO:0050871
positively regulates GO:0044699 GO:0050871
positively regulates GO:0008150 GO:0050871
is_a GO:0050865 GO:0050871
positively regulates GO:0045321 GO:0050871
regulates GO:0046649 GO:0050871

8 Synonyms

Name Type
activation of B cell activation synonym
positive regulation of B lymphocyte activation synonym
stimulation of B cell activation synonym
up regulation of B cell activation synonym
positive regulation of B-cell activation synonym
positive regulation of B-lymphocyte activation synonym
up-regulation of B cell activation synonym
upregulation of B cell activation synonym