GO Term : GO:0010071 root meristem specification GO

Namespace:  biological_process Obsolete:  false
description  The specification of a meristem which will give rise to a primary or lateral root.

0 Cross References

0 Data Sets

1 Ontology


0 Ontology Annotations

33 Parents

Identifier Name Description
GO:0007275 multicellular organismal development The biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of a multicellular organism over time from an initial condition (e.g. a zygote or a young adult) to a later condition (e.g. a multicellular animal or an aged adult).
GO:0032502 developmental process A biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of an integrated living unit: an anatomical structure (which may be a subcellular structure, cell, tissue, or organ), or organism over time from an initial condition to a later condition.
GO:0048513 organ development Development of a tissue or tissues that work together to perform a specific function or functions. Development pertains to the process whose specific outcome is the progression of a structure over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Organs are commonly observed as visibly distinct structures, but may also exist as loosely associated clusters of cells that work together to perform a specific function or functions.
GO:0009790 embryo development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an embryo from its formation until the end of its embryonic life stage. The end of the embryonic stage is organism-specific. For example, for mammals, the process would begin with zygote formation and end with birth. For insects, the process would begin at zygote formation and end with larval hatching. For plant zygotic embryos, this would be from zygote formation to the end of seed dormancy. For plant vegetative embryos, this would be from the initial determination of the cell or group of cells to form an embryo until the point when the embryo becomes independent of the parent plant.
GO:0048316 seed development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the seed over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A seed is a propagating organ formed in the sexual reproductive cycle of gymnosperms and angiosperms, consisting of a protective coat enclosing an embryo and food reserves.
GO:0048364 root development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the root over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The root is the water- and mineral-absorbing part of a plant which is usually underground, does not bear leaves, tends to grow downwards and is typically derived from the radicle of the embryo.
GO:0044699 single-organism process A biological process that involves only one organism.
GO:0008150 biological_process Any process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end.
GO:0000003 reproduction The production of new individuals that contain some portion of genetic material inherited from one or more parent organisms.
GO:0022414 reproductive process A biological process that directly contributes to the process of producing new individuals by one or two organisms. The new individuals inherit some proportion of their genetic material from the parent or parents.
GO:0044702 single organism reproductive process A biological process that directly contributes to the process of producing new individuals, involving a single organism.
GO:0044707 single-multicellular organism process A biological process occurring within a single, multicellular organism.
GO:0032501 multicellular organismal process Any biological process, occurring at the level of a multicellular organism, pertinent to its function.
GO:0044767 single-organism developmental process A biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of an integrated living unit: an anatomical structure (which may be a subcellular structure, cell, tissue, or organ), or organism over time from an initial condition to a later condition, involving only one organism.
GO:0048856 anatomical structure development The biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of an anatomical structure from an initial condition to its mature state. This process begins with the formation of the structure and ends with the mature structure, whatever form that may be including its natural destruction. An anatomical structure is any biological entity that occupies space and is distinguished from its surroundings. Anatomical structures can be macroscopic such as a carpel, or microscopic such as an acrosome.
GO:0003006 developmental process involved in reproduction A developmental process in which a progressive change in the state of some part of an organism specifically contributes to its ability to form offspring.
GO:0009653 anatomical structure morphogenesis The process in which anatomical structures are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form.
GO:0061458 reproductive system development The progression of the reproductive system over time from its formation to the mature structure. The reproductive system consists of the organs that function in reproduction.
GO:0048608 reproductive structure development The reproductive developmental process whose specific outcome is the progression of structures that will be used in the process of creating new individuals from one or more parents, from their formation to the mature structures.
GO:0048731 system development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an organismal system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A system is a regularly interacting or interdependent group of organs or tissues that work together to carry out a given biological process.
GO:0009888 tissue development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a tissue over time, from its formation to the mature structure.
GO:0009791 post-embryonic development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the organism over time, from the completion of embryonic development to the mature structure. See embryonic development.
GO:0048532 anatomical structure arrangement The process that gives rise to the configuration of the constituent parts of an anatomical structure. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure. Anatomical structures can be macroscopic such as a carpel, or microscopic such as an acrosome.
GO:0048507 meristem development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the meristem over time, from its formation to the mature structure.
GO:0009793 embryo development ending in seed dormancy The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the embryo over time, from zygote formation to the end of seed dormancy. An example of this process is found in Arabidopsis thaliana.
GO:0010154 fruit development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the fruit over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The fruit is a reproductive body of a seed plant.
GO:0009933 meristem structural organization Organization of a region of tissue in a plant that is composed of one or more undifferentiated cells capable of undergoing mitosis and differentiation, thereby effecting growth and development of a plant by giving rise to more meristem or specialized tissue.
GO:0010014 meristem initiation Initiation of a region of tissue in a plant that is composed of one or more undifferentiated cells capable of undergoing mitosis and differentiation, thereby effecting growth and development of a plant by giving rise to more meristem or specialized tissue.
GO:0010015 root morphogenesis The process in which the anatomical structures of roots are generated and organized. The root is the usually underground part of a seed plant body that originates from the hypocotyl, functions as an organ of absorption, aeration, and food storage or as a means of anchorage and support.
GO:0022622 root system development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the root system over time, from its formation to the mature structure.

39 Relations

Parent Term . Identifier

Child Term . Identifier
is_a GO:0003006 GO:0010071
part of GO:0048508 GO:0010071
is_a GO:0044702 GO:0010071
is_a GO:0090421 GO:0010071
part of GO:0010015 GO:0010071
part of GO:0009790 GO:0010071
part of GO:0044699 GO:0010071
part of GO:0022622 GO:0010071
is_a GO:0022414 GO:0010071
part of GO:0048364 GO:0010071
is_a GO:0008150 GO:0010071
is_a GO:0044699 GO:0010071
part of GO:0000003 GO:0010071
part of GO:0032501 GO:0010071
part of GO:0032502 GO:0010071
part of GO:0009933 GO:0010071
part of GO:0009653 GO:0010071
part of GO:0009791 GO:0010071
part of GO:0009793 GO:0010071
part of GO:0007275 GO:0010071
part of GO:0044702 GO:0010071
part of GO:0044767 GO:0010071
part of GO:0048608 GO:0010071
part of GO:0008150 GO:0010071
part of GO:0048507 GO:0010071
part of GO:0022414 GO:0010071
part of GO:0044707 GO:0010071
part of GO:0010154 GO:0010071
is_a GO:0044767 GO:0010071
part of GO:0009888 GO:0010071

0 Synonyms