GO Term : GO:0032609 interferon-gamma production GO

Namespace:  biological_process Obsolete:  false
description  The appearance of interferon-gamma due to biosynthesis or secretion following a cellular stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels. Interferon-gamma is also known as type II interferon.

0 Cross References

0 Data Sets

1 Ontology


0 Ontology Annotations

6 Parents

Identifier Name Description
GO:0044699 single-organism process A biological process that involves only one organism.
GO:0008150 biological_process Any process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end.
GO:0044707 single-multicellular organism process A biological process occurring within a single, multicellular organism.
GO:0032501 multicellular organismal process Any biological process, occurring at the level of a multicellular organism, pertinent to its function.
GO:0001816 cytokine production The appearance of a cytokine due to biosynthesis or secretion following a cellular stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels.
GO:0032609 interferon-gamma production The appearance of interferon-gamma due to biosynthesis or secretion following a cellular stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels. Interferon-gamma is also known as type II interferon.

25 Relations

Parent Term . Identifier

Child Term . Identifier
is_a GO:0001816 GO:0032609
is_a GO:0008150 GO:0032609
is_a GO:0044707 GO:0032609
is_a GO:0032501 GO:0032609
is_a GO:0044699 GO:0032609
regulates GO:0032609 GO:0032649
regulates GO:0032609 GO:0032649
negatively regulates GO:0032609 GO:0032689
negatively regulates GO:0032609 GO:0032689
regulates GO:0032609 GO:0032689
positively regulates GO:0032609 GO:0032729
positively regulates GO:0032609 GO:0032729
regulates GO:0032609 GO:0032729
part of GO:0032609 GO:0042095
regulates GO:0032609 GO:0045072
regulates GO:0032609 GO:0045077
negatively regulates GO:0032609 GO:0045077
regulates GO:0032609 GO:0045078
positively regulates GO:0032609 GO:0045078
part of GO:0032609 GO:0072643
regulates GO:0032609 GO:1902713
regulates GO:0032609 GO:1902714
negatively regulates GO:0032609 GO:1902714
regulates GO:0032609 GO:1902715
positively regulates GO:0032609 GO:1902715

3 Synonyms

Name Type
type II IFN production synonym
IFNG production synonym
type II interferon production synonym