GO Term : GO:0060470 positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration involved in egg activation GO

Namespace:  biological_process Obsolete:  false
description  The process that increases the concentration of calcium ions in the cytosol after fertilization or the physiological activation of an egg.

0 Cross References

0 Data Sets

1 Ontology


0 Ontology Annotations

42 Parents

Identifier Name Description
GO:0005737 cytoplasm All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
GO:0005622 intracellular The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
GO:0019953 sexual reproduction A reproduction process that creates a new organism by combining the genetic material of two organisms. It occurs both in eukaryotes and prokaryotes: in multicellular eukaryotic organisms, an individual is created anew; in prokaryotes, the initial cell has additional or transformed genetic material. In a process called genetic recombination, genetic material (DNA) originating from two different individuals (parents) join up so that homologous sequences are aligned with each other, and this is followed by exchange of genetic information. After the new recombinant chromosome is formed, it is passed on to progeny.
GO:0006873 cellular ion homeostasis Any process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state of ions at the level of a cell.
GO:0005829 cytosol The part of the cytoplasm that does not contain organelles but which does contain other particulate matter, such as protein complexes.
GO:0007338 single fertilization The union of male and female gametes to form a zygote.
GO:0009987 cellular process Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, but not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level.
GO:0006874 cellular calcium ion homeostasis Any process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state of calcium ions at the level of a cell.
GO:0044763 single-organism cellular process Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, occurring within a single organism.
GO:0044699 single-organism process A biological process that involves only one organism.
GO:0008150 biological_process Any process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end.
GO:0000003 reproduction The production of new individuals that contain some portion of genetic material inherited from one or more parent organisms.
GO:0044464 cell part Any constituent part of a cell, the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms.
GO:0044444 cytoplasmic part Any constituent part of the cytoplasm, all of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
GO:0044424 intracellular part Any constituent part of the living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
GO:0005575 cellular_component The part of a cell or its extracellular environment in which a gene product is located. A gene product may be located in one or more parts of a cell and its location may be as specific as a particular macromolecular complex, that is, a stable, persistent association of macromolecules that function together.
GO:0005623 cell The basic structural and functional unit of all organisms. Includes the plasma membrane and any external encapsulating structures such as the cell wall and cell envelope.
GO:0065007 biological regulation Any process that modulates a measurable attribute of any biological process, quality or function.
GO:0051704 multi-organism process A biological process which involves another organism of the same or different species.
GO:0022414 reproductive process A biological process that directly contributes to the process of producing new individuals by one or two organisms. The new individuals inherit some proportion of their genetic material from the parent or parents.
GO:0044702 single organism reproductive process A biological process that directly contributes to the process of producing new individuals, involving a single organism.
GO:0044703 multi-organism reproductive process A biological process that directly contributes to the process of producing new individuals, involving another organism.
GO:0065008 regulation of biological quality Any process that modulates a qualitative or quantitative trait of a biological quality. A biological quality is a measurable attribute of an organism or part of an organism, such as size, mass, shape, color, etc.
GO:0042592 homeostatic process Any biological process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state.
GO:0055082 cellular chemical homeostasis Any biological process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state of a chemical at the level of the cell.
GO:0048878 chemical homeostasis Any biological process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state of a chemical.
GO:0019725 cellular homeostasis Any process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state at the level of the cell.
GO:0001775 cell activation A change in the morphology or behavior of a cell resulting from exposure to an activating factor such as a cellular or soluble ligand.
GO:0009566 fertilization The union of gametes of opposite sexes during the process of sexual reproduction to form a zygote. It involves the fusion of the gametic nuclei (karyogamy) and cytoplasm (plasmogamy).
GO:0050801 ion homeostasis Any process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state of ions within an organism or cell.

50 Relations

Parent Term . Identifier

Child Term . Identifier
is_a GO:0044702 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0007204 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0007204 GO:0060470
part of GO:0007343 GO:0060470
part of GO:0007343 GO:0060470
part of GO:0044699 GO:0060470
part of GO:0019953 GO:0060470
occurs in GO:0005829 GO:0060470
part of GO:0051704 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0072507 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0050801 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0065007 GO:0060470
part of GO:0009987 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0044763 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0055074 GO:0060470
occurs in GO:0044424 GO:0060470
occurs in GO:0005575 GO:0060470
occurs in GO:0044444 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0065008 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0022414 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0006875 GO:0060470
occurs in GO:0005737 GO:0060470
part of GO:0044702 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0006874 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0006873 GO:0060470
is_a GO:0030003 GO:0060470
part of GO:0022414 GO:0060470
occurs in GO:0044464 GO:0060470
part of GO:0008150 GO:0060470
part of GO:0044703 GO:0060470

1 Synonyms

Name Type
elevation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration involved in egg activation synonym