Protein Family : - Trans-zeatin O-beta-D-glucosyltransferase / Zeatin O-glucosyltransferase 123360922

Method ID:  5275 Method Name:  Viridiplantae
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  3

3 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
430829 (1 of 3) PTHR11926:SF162 - UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 83A1 S. moellendorffii v1.0 735   scaffold_139: 61625-62359
430825 (1 of 164) PTHR11926 - GLUCOSYL/GLUCURONOSYL TRANSFERASES S. moellendorffii v1.0 528   scaffold_139: 7350-7877
426276 (1 of 59) - Trans-zeatin O-beta-D-glucosyltransferase / Zeatin O-glucosyltransferase S. moellendorffii v1.0 548   scaffold_81: 848317-848864

3 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
430825 S. moellendorffii v1.0 123360922 - Trans-zeatin O-beta-D-glucosyltransferase / Zeatin O-glucosyltransferase 3 5275 Viridiplantae
430829 S. moellendorffii v1.0 123360922 - Trans-zeatin O-beta-D-glucosyltransferase / Zeatin O-glucosyltransferase 3 5275 Viridiplantae
426276 S. moellendorffii v1.0 123360922 - Trans-zeatin O-beta-D-glucosyltransferase / Zeatin O-glucosyltransferase 3 5275 Viridiplantae