Protein : Zosma17g01280.1 Z. marina v2.2

UniProt Accession:  ? A0A0K9PTK6 Secondary Identifier:  PAC:33167246
Organism Name:  Zostera marina Length:  400  
Name:  Zosma17g01280.1
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Ontology Annotation Displayer

Protein Family Displayer

Protein Feature Displayer


3 Protein Domains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR008586 Family Protein of unknown function DUF868, plant
IPR012344 Domain Matrix protein, lentiviral and alpha-retroviral
IPR010999 Domain Retroviral matrix protein


1 CDSs

DB identifier Length Chromosome Location
Organism . Name
Zosma17g01280.1_CDS 1203   scaffold_17: 992530-993732 Zostera marina

11 Ontology Annotations

Ontology Term Db Gene/Protein Name
A0A0K9PTK6 UniProt Zosma17g01280.1
SSF47836 SSF Zosma17g01280.1
PF05910 PFAM Zosma17g01280.1
PTHR31972:SF3 PANTHER Zosma17g01280.1
PTHR31972 PANTHER Zosma17g01280.1
IPR012344 InterPro Zosma17g01280.1
IPR010999 InterPro Zosma17g01280.1
IPR008586 InterPro Zosma17g01280.1
GO:0019028 GO Zosma17g01280.1
GO:0005198 GO Zosma17g01280.1
G3DSA: GENE3D Zosma17g01280.1

0 Pathway Components

0 Pathways