CDS : 29636.m000738_CDS R. communis v0.1

Organism . Name:  Ricinus communis Name:  29636.m000738_CDS
Secondary Identifier:  PAC:16804339

Sequence Feature Displayer

0 Synonyms


Gene Structure Displayer


1 Protein

DB identifier UniProt Accession Secondary Identifier Organism Name Length
29636.m000738 B9SIQ4 PAC:16804339 Ricinus communis 193  


1 Gene

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
29636.t000003 (1 of 3) PF00197 - Trypsin and protease inhibitor (Kunitz_legume) R. communis v0.1 582   29636: 7943-8524

0 Strain

1 Transcript

Transcript Identifier Gene Identifier Chromosome Location
29636.m000738 29636.t000003 29636: 7943-8524