Protein Family : Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 124581701

Method ID:  5269 Method Name:  Grass
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  14

14 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
Traes_7AS_7E46CDBE9 (1 of 4) PTHR23315:SF66 - CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 T. aestivum v2.2 13100   ta_iwgsc_7as_v1_4250543: 5950-19049
Traes_7DS_BE9F3B065 (1 of 4) PTHR23315:SF66 - CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 T. aestivum v2.2 12395   ta_iwgsc_7ds_v1_3954097: 5895-18289
Seita.4G093800 (1 of 1) PTHR23315:SF66 - CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 S. italica v2.2 11170   scaffold_4: 7770995-7782164
Bradi1g45400 (1 of 1) PTHR23315:SF66 - CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 B. distachyon v3.1 12138   Bd1: 43748921-43761058
Pavir.4KG214900 (1 of 2) PTHR23315:SF66 - CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 P. virgatum v4.1 16364   Chr04K: 17956824-17973187
Pavir.4NG077500 (1 of 2) PTHR23315:SF66 - CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 P. virgatum v4.1 11745   Chr04N: 12176592-12188336
Sobic.010G090500 (1 of 1) PTHR23315//PTHR23315:SF66 - BETA CATENIN-RELATED ARMADILLO REPEAT-CONTAINING // CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 S. bicolor v3.1.1 12400   Chr10: 7866567-7878966
HORVU7Hr1G037420 (1 of 1) PTHR23315:SF66 - CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 H. vulgare r1 12363   chr7H: 89927728-89940090
Zm00001d037214 (1 of 1) KOG0166//KOG4224 - Karyopherin (importin) alpha // Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting Z. mays RefGen_V4 13429   6: 116113744-116127172
Pahal.4G260700 (1 of 1) PTHR23315//PTHR23315:SF66 - BETA CATENIN-RELATED ARMADILLO REPEAT-CONTAINING // CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 P. hallii v3.1 12349   Chr04: 45738057-45750405
PhHAL.4G273500 (1 of 1) PTHR23315//PTHR23315:SF66 - BETA CATENIN-RELATED ARMADILLO REPEAT-CONTAINING // CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 P. hallii HAL v2.1 12425   Chr04: 44047962-44060386
OsKitaake06g085300 (1 of 1) PTHR23315//PTHR23315:SF66 - BETA CATENIN-RELATED ARMADILLO REPEAT-CONTAINING // CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 O. sativa Kitaake v3.1 10585   Chr6: 6542003-6552587
Sevir.4G093500 (1 of 1) PTHR23315//PTHR23315:SF66 - BETA CATENIN-RELATED ARMADILLO REPEAT-CONTAINING // CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 S. viridis v2.1 11188   Chr_04: 7780083-7791270
Brast07G079400 (1 of 1) PTHR23315:SF66 - CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-INTERACTIVE PROTEIN 1 B. stacei v1.1 12099   Chr07: 5057938-5070036

14 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Traes_7AS_7E46CDBE9.1 T. aestivum v2.2 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 2 5269 Grass
Traes_7DS_BE9F3B065.1 T. aestivum v2.2 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 2 5269 Grass
Seita.4G093800.1.p S. italica v2.2 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 1 5269 Grass
Bradi1g45400.1.p B. distachyon v3.1 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 1 5269 Grass
Brast07G079400.1.p B. stacei v1.1 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 1 5269 Grass
Pavir.4KG214900.1.p P. virgatum v4.1 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 2 5269 Grass
Pavir.4NG077500.1.p P. virgatum v4.1 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 2 5269 Grass
Sobic.010G090500.1.p S. bicolor v3.1.1 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 1 5269 Grass
HORVU7Hr1G037420.1 H. vulgare r1 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 1 5269 Grass
Zm00001d037214_P006 Z. mays RefGen_V4 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 1 5269 Grass
Pahal.4G260700.1.p P. hallii v3.1 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 1 5269 Grass
PhHAL.4G273500.1.p P. hallii HAL v2.1 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 1 5269 Grass
OsKitaake06g085300.1.p O. sativa Kitaake v3.1 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 1 5269 Grass
Sevir.4G093500.1.p S. viridis v2.1 124581701 Armadillo repeat protein VAC8 required for vacuole fusion, inheritance and cytosol-to-vacuole protein targeting 1 5269 Grass