Protein Family : expressed protein 124577857

Method ID:  5269 Method Name:  Grass
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  18

18 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
Traes_6AS_6319EDE3D (1 of 22) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) T. aestivum v2.2 1568   ta_iwgsc_6as_v1_4416235: 4320-5887
Traes_6DS_55A9B36EB (1 of 22) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) T. aestivum v2.2 1554   ta_iwgsc_6ds_v1_2100164: 8192-9745
Seita.1G046700 (1 of 14) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) S. italica v2.2 942   scaffold_1: 4577270-4578211
Bradi3g07292 (1 of 12) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) B. distachyon v3.1 972   Bd3: 5444513-5445484
LOC_Os02g10530 (1 of 15) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) O. sativa v7.0 1482   Chr2: 5548055-5549536
Zm00008a018600 (1 of 18) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) Z. mays PH207 v1.1 891   chr04: 233785592-233786482
Pavir.1KG105200 (1 of 28) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) P. virgatum v4.1 1779   Chr01K: 10117520-10119298
Pavir.1NG094200 (1 of 28) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) P. virgatum v4.1 1510   Chr01N: 9375516-9377025
Sobic.004G082000 (1 of 11) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) S. bicolor v3.1.1 1503   Chr04: 6741067-6742569
HORVU6Hr1G032720 (1 of 12) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) H. vulgare r1 3982   chr6H: 144062012-144065993
Zm00001d053654 (1 of 21) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) Z. mays RefGen_V4 891   4: 238243965-238244855
Pahal.1G075500 (1 of 12) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) P. hallii v3.1 933   Chr01: 5190714-5191646
PhHAL.1G073400 (1 of 13) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) P. hallii HAL v2.1 1441   Chr01: 4625543-4626983
Misin07G080900 (1 of 26) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) M. sinensis v7.1 945   Chr07: 15280423-15281367
Misin08G091500 (1 of 26) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) M. sinensis v7.1 945   Chr08: 22636619-22637563
OsKitaake02g077800 (1 of 14) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) O. sativa Kitaake v3.1 1658   Chr2: 5638637-5640294
Sevir.1G046400 (1 of 15) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) S. viridis v2.1 942   Chr_01: 4382411-4383352
Brast04G261700 (1 of 13) PF05910 - Plant protein of unknown function (DUF868) (DUF868) B. stacei v1.1 990   Chr04: 19621439-19622428

18 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Traes_6AS_6319EDE3D.1 T. aestivum v2.2 124577857 expressed protein 2 5269 Grass
Traes_6DS_55A9B36EB.1 T. aestivum v2.2 124577857 expressed protein 2 5269 Grass
Seita.1G046700.1.p S. italica v2.2 124577857 expressed protein 1 5269 Grass
Bradi3g07292.1.p B. distachyon v3.1 124577857 expressed protein 1 5269 Grass
Brast04G261700.1.p B. stacei v1.1 124577857 expressed protein 1 5269 Grass
LOC_Os02g10530.1 O. sativa v7.0 124577857 expressed protein 1 5269 Grass
Zm00008a018600_P01 Z. mays PH207 v1.1 124577857 expressed protein 1 5269 Grass
Pavir.1NG094200.1.p P. virgatum v4.1 124577857 expressed protein 2 5269 Grass
Sobic.004G082000.1.p S. bicolor v3.1.1 124577857 expressed protein 1 5269 Grass
HORVU6Hr1G032720.2 H. vulgare r1 124577857 expressed protein 1 5269 Grass
Pahal.1G075500.1.p P. hallii v3.1 124577857 expressed protein 1 5269 Grass
Misin08G091500.1.p M. sinensis v7.1 124577857 expressed protein 2 5269 Grass
OsKitaake02g077800.1.p O. sativa Kitaake v3.1 124577857 expressed protein 1 5269 Grass
Pavir.1KG105200.1.p P. virgatum v4.1 124577857 expressed protein 2 5269 Grass
Zm00001d053654_P001 Z. mays RefGen_V4 124577857 expressed protein 1 5269 Grass
PhHAL.1G073400.1.p P. hallii HAL v2.1 124577857 expressed protein 1 5269 Grass
Misin07G080900.1.p M. sinensis v7.1 124577857 expressed protein 2 5269 Grass
Sevir.1G046400.1.p S. viridis v2.1 124577857 expressed protein 1 5269 Grass