Protein Family : DNA repair protein RAD18 (SMC family protein) 124320710

Method ID:  5266 Method Name:  SBM
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  2

2 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
Gorai.006G160300 (1 of 3) PTHR13140//PTHR13140:SF480 - MYOSIN G. raimondii v2.1 5297   Chr06: 41986063-41991359
Thecc1EG022348 (1 of 1) KOG0933//KOG0978//KOG0993//KOG2685//KOG4593//KOG4673 - Structural maintenance of chromosome protein 2 (chromosome condensation complex Condensin, subunit E) // E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in syntaxin degradation // Rab5 GTPase effector Rabaptin-5 // Cystoskeletal protein Tektin // Mitotic checkpoint protein MAD1 // Transcription factor TMF, TATA element modulatory factor T. cacao v1.1 13483   scaffold_5: 4049999-4063481

2 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Gorai.006G160300.1 G. raimondii v2.1 124320710 DNA repair protein RAD18 (SMC family protein) 1 5266 SBM
Thecc1EG022348t1 T. cacao v1.1 124320710 DNA repair protein RAD18 (SMC family protein) 1 5266 SBM