Protein : AT1G65120.1 A. thaliana TAIR10

UniProt Accession:  ? F4I9U8 Secondary Identifier:  PAC:19658144
Organism Name:  Arabidopsis thaliana Length:  1121  
Name:  AT1G65120.1
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3 Protein Domains

DB identifier Type Name
IPR015866 Domain Serine-tRNA synthetase, type1, N-terminal
IPR006865 Domain Domain of unknown function DUF629
IPR006866 Domain Domain of unknown function DUF627, N-terminal


1 CDSs

DB identifier Length Chromosome Location
Organism . Name
AT1G65120.1_CDS 3366   Chr1: 24191721-24195907 Arabidopsis thaliana

10 Ontology Annotations

Ontology Term Db Gene/Protein Name
IPR006865 InterPro AT1G65120.1
G3DSA: GENE3D AT1G65120.1
IPR015866 InterPro AT1G65120.1
IPR006866 InterPro AT1G65120.1
SSF54001 SSF AT1G65120.1
F4I9U8 UniProt AT1G65120.1
PTHR22975:SF9 PANTHER AT1G65120.1
PTHR22975 PANTHER AT1G65120.1
PF04781 PFAM AT1G65120.1
PF04780 PFAM AT1G65120.1

0 Pathway Components

0 Pathways