Protein Family : Transcription factor MBF1 122195887

Method ID:  5267 Method Name:  Panicoideae
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  11

11 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
Seita.4G227700 (1 of 2) PTHR10245 - ENDOTHELIAL DIFFERENTIATION-RELATED FACTOR 1 MULTIPROTEIN BRIDGING FACTOR 1 S. italica v2.2 848   scaffold_4: 34872136-34872983
Pavir.4KG300000 (1 of 5) K03627 - putative transcription factor (MBF1) P. virgatum v4.1 468   Chr04K: 50921979-50922446
Pavir.4KG372100 (1 of 5) K03627 - putative transcription factor (MBF1) P. virgatum v4.1 850   Chr04K: 63450042-63450891
Pavir.4NG194000 (1 of 5) K03627 - putative transcription factor (MBF1) P. virgatum v4.1 825   Chr04N: 42962288-42963112
Sobic.010G178500 (1 of 2) K03627 - putative transcription factor (MBF1) S. bicolor v3.1.1 1029   Chr10: 51650863-51651891
Zm00001d046471 (1 of 3) K03627 - putative transcription factor (MBF1) Z. mays RefGen_V4 480   9: 91463414-91463893
Pahal.4G096500 (1 of 2) K03627 - putative transcription factor (MBF1) P. hallii v3.1 471   Chr04: 6808847-6809317
PhHAL.4G097200 (1 of 2) K03627 - putative transcription factor (MBF1) P. hallii HAL v2.1 471   Chr04: 6715861-6716331
Misin19G171900 (1 of 3) KOG3398 - Transcription factor MBF1 M. sinensis v7.1 650   Chr19: 61124708-61125357
Misin18G174000 (1 of 2) K03627 - putative transcription factor (MBF1) M. sinensis v7.1 745   Chr18: 59996510-59997254
Sevir.4G239100 (1 of 2) K03627 - putative transcription factor (MBF1) S. viridis v2.1 1198   Chr_04: 34148715-34149912

11 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Seita.4G227700.1.p S. italica v2.2 122195887 Transcription factor MBF1 1 5267 Panicoideae
Pavir.4KG300000.1.p P. virgatum v4.1 122195887 Transcription factor MBF1 3 5267 Panicoideae
Pavir.4KG372100.1.p P. virgatum v4.1 122195887 Transcription factor MBF1 3 5267 Panicoideae
Sobic.010G178500.1.p S. bicolor v3.1.1 122195887 Transcription factor MBF1 1 5267 Panicoideae
Zm00001d046471_P001 Z. mays RefGen_V4 122195887 Transcription factor MBF1 1 5267 Panicoideae
Pahal.4G096500.1.p P. hallii v3.1 122195887 Transcription factor MBF1 1 5267 Panicoideae
PhHAL.4G097200.1.p P. hallii HAL v2.1 122195887 Transcription factor MBF1 1 5267 Panicoideae
Misin19G171900.1.p M. sinensis v7.1 122195887 Transcription factor MBF1 2 5267 Panicoideae
Misin18G174000.1.p M. sinensis v7.1 122195887 Transcription factor MBF1 2 5267 Panicoideae
Sevir.4G239100.1.p S. viridis v2.1 122195887 Transcription factor MBF1 1 5267 Panicoideae
Pavir.4NG194000.1.p P. virgatum v4.1 122195887 Transcription factor MBF1 3 5267 Panicoideae