Protein Family : Myosin heavy chain-related protein 124073643

Method ID:  5270 Method Name:  Rosid
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  33

33 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
30147.t000017 (1 of 1) KOG0978//KOG4593 - E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in syntaxin degradation // Mitotic checkpoint protein MAD1 R. communis v0.1 3824   30147: 85079-88902
orange1.1g002248m.g (1 of 2) PTHR34452:SF2 - MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN-RELATED PROTEIN C. sinensis v1.1 4220   scaffold00062: 72033-76252
AT5G52280 (1 of 1) PTHR13140//PTHR13140:SF422 - MYOSIN // SUBFAMILY NOT NAMED A. thaliana TAIR10 3422   Chr5: 21226833-21230254
Thhalv10012668m.g (1 of 1) PTHR13140//PTHR13140:SF422 - MYOSIN E. salsugineum v1.0 3489   scaffold_2: 12636831-12640319
Ciclev10004257m.g (1 of 2) PTHR34452:SF2 - MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN-RELATED PROTEIN C. clementina v1.0 4741   scaffold_9: 28912263-28917003
Lus10014980.g (1 of 4) KOG4809 - Rab6 GTPase-interacting protein involved in endosome-to-TGN transport L. usitatissimum v1.0 3236   scaffold2022: 344671-347906
Lus10039218.g (1 of 9) PTHR34452:SF2 - MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN-RELATED PROTEIN L. usitatissimum v1.0 3377   scaffold33: 29260-32636
Lus10038860.g (1 of 2) KOG0978//KOG4809 - E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in syntaxin degradation // Rab6 GTPase-interacting protein involved in endosome-to-TGN transport L. usitatissimum v1.0 3329   scaffold34: 597178-600506
Lus10027462.g (1 of 9) PTHR34452:SF2 - MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN-RELATED PROTEIN L. usitatissimum v1.0 3400   scaffold96: 475298-478697
Gorai.008G277700 (1 of 4) PTHR34452:SF2 - MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN-RELATED PROTEIN G. raimondii v2.1 5001   Chr08: 55540903-55545903
Thecc1EG015163 (1 of 1) KOG0978//KOG4787 - E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in syntaxin degradation // Uncharacterized conserved protein T. cacao v1.1 5905   scaffold_3: 26535313-26541217
Araha.2903s0003 (1 of 1) PTHR13140//PTHR13140:SF422 - MYOSIN A. halleri v1.1 3448   Scaffold2903: 10175-13622
Cagra.0094s0038 (1 of 1) PTHR13140//PTHR13140:SF422 - MYOSIN C. grandiflora v1.1 3473   Scaffold94: 133912-137384
Glyma.10G236100 (1 of 1) KOG0978//KOG4593//KOG4677 - E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in syntaxin degradation // Mitotic checkpoint protein MAD1 // Golgi integral membrane protein G. max Wm82.a2.v1 7463   Chr10: 46503152-46510614
Glyma.20G158400 (1 of 7) PTHR34452:SF2 - MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN-RELATED PROTEIN G. max Wm82.a2.v1 7316   Chr20: 39701478-39708793
Brara.B01533 (1 of 1) PTHR13140//PTHR13140:SF422 - MYOSIN B. rapa FPsc v1.3 3355   A02: 8494246-8497600
Bostr.7305s0037 (1 of 1) PTHR13140//PTHR13140:SF422 - MYOSIN B. stricta v1.2 3645   Scaffold7305: 260316-263960
Medtr1g100633 (1 of 5) PTHR34452:SF2 - MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN-RELATED PROTEIN M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 5424   chr1: 45553483-45558906
SapurV1A.0754s0140 (1 of 1) KOG0978//KOG4568//KOG4593 - E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in syntaxin degradation // Cytoskeleton-associated protein and related proteins // Mitotic checkpoint protein MAD1 S. purpurea v1.0 4829   chr15: 22284283-22289111
Eucgr.A02791 (1 of 3) PTHR34452:SF2 - MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN-RELATED PROTEIN E. grandis v2.0 5326   Chr01: 43112800-43118125
Prupe.2G294200 (1 of 2) PTHR34452:SF2 - MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN-RELATED PROTEIN P. persica v2.1 4562   Pp02: 28603620-28608181
Manes.06G147000 (1 of 1) KOG0978//KOG4593 - E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in syntaxin degradation // Mitotic checkpoint protein MAD1 M. esculenta v6.1 4401   Chromosome06: 25015374-25019774
AL8G26670 (1 of 2) PTHR13140//PTHR13140:SF422 - MYOSIN // SUBFAMILY NOT NAMED A. lyrata v2.1 3350   scaffold_8: 15044707-15048056
Tp57577_TGAC_v2_gene14340 (1 of 1) KOG0978//KOG0993//KOG4593 - E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in syntaxin degradation // Rab5 GTPase effector Rabaptin-5 // Mitotic checkpoint protein MAD1 T. pratense v2 4663   Tp57577_TGAC_v2_LG1: 13164186-13168848
Phvul.007G069700 (1 of 4) PTHR34452:SF2 - MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN-RELATED PROTEIN P. vulgaris v2.1 6756   Chr07: 6445122-6451877
Potri.012G141200 (1 of 1) KOG0933//KOG0978 - Structural maintenance of chromosome protein 2 (chromosome condensation complex Condensin, subunit E) // E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in syntaxin degradation P. trichocarpa v3.1 5378   Chr12: 15473455-15478832
Potri.015G143800 (1 of 1) KOG4568 - Cytoskeleton-associated protein and related proteins P. trichocarpa v3.1 4746   Chr15: 14984987-14989732
Podel.15G146100 (1 of 1) KOG4568 - Cytoskeleton-associated protein and related proteins P. deltoides WV94 v2.1 4603   Chr15: 14995289-14999891
Podel.12G149800 (1 of 4) PTHR34452:SF2 - MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN-RELATED PROTEIN P. deltoides WV94 v2.1 4230   Chr12: 15288520-15292749
VIT_216s0050g00100 (1 of 2) PTHR34452:SF2 - MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN-RELATED PROTEIN V. vinifera v2.1 4325   chr16: 16945006-16949330

33 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
orange1.1g002248m C. sinensis v1.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
AT5G52280.1 A. thaliana TAIR10 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Thhalv10012668m E. salsugineum v1.0 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Ciclev10004257m C. clementina v1.0 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Lus10038860 L. usitatissimum v1.0 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 4 5270 Rosid
Medtr1g100633.1 M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Prupe.2G294200.1.p P. persica v2.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
AL8G26670.t1 A. lyrata v2.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
VIT_216s0050g00100.1 V. vinifera v2.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
MD01G1200700 M. domestica v1.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Ca_04474 C. arietinum v1.0 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
30147.m013746 R. communis v0.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Lus10039218 L. usitatissimum v1.0 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 4 5270 Rosid
Lus10014980 L. usitatissimum v1.0 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 4 5270 Rosid
Lus10027462 L. usitatissimum v1.0 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 4 5270 Rosid
Gorai.008G277700.1 G. raimondii v2.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Thecc1EG015163t1 T. cacao v1.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Araha.2903s0003.1.p A. halleri v1.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Cagra.0094s0038.1.p C. grandiflora v1.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Glyma.20G158400.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 2 5270 Rosid
Glyma.10G236100.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 2 5270 Rosid
Brara.B01533.1.p B. rapa FPsc v1.3 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Bostr.7305s0037.1.p B. stricta v1.2 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
SapurV1A.0754s0140.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Eucgr.A02791.1.p E. grandis v2.0 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Manes.06G147000.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Tp57577_TGAC_v2_mRNA14819 T. pratense v2 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Phvul.007G069700.2.p P. vulgaris v2.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 1 5270 Rosid
Potri.012G141200.2.p P. trichocarpa v3.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 2 5270 Rosid
Potri.015G143800.1.p P. trichocarpa v3.1 124073643 Myosin heavy chain-related protein 2 5270 Rosid