Protein Family : ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 122026304

Method ID:  5273 Method Name:  Angiosperm
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  65

65 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
29912.t000239 (1 of 1) PTHR11807:SF2 - PROTEIN RASPBERRY 3 R. communis v0.1 3787   29912: 1548077-1551863
orange1.1g005288m.g (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase C. sinensis v1.1 4312   scaffold00256: 122708-127019
AT3G24560 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase A. thaliana TAIR10 RSY3 2847   Chr3: 8963770-8966616
Thhalv10002431m.g (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase E. salsugineum v1.0 3326   scaffold_4: 5718921-5722246
Ciclev10007624m.g (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase C. clementina v1.0 4293   scaffold_1: 6439718-6444010
Lus10034921.g (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase L. usitatissimum v1.0 3369   scaffold29: 201956-205324
Gorai.009G025300 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase G. raimondii v2.1 4707   Chr09: 1959102-1963808
Thecc1EG037870 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase T. cacao v1.1 10983   scaffold_9: 5750797-5761779
Migut.G00900 (1 of 3) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase M. guttatus v2.0 4178   scaffold_7: 8329720-8333897
Migut.K01516 (1 of 3) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase M. guttatus v2.0 3381   scaffold_11: 25502984-25506364
Migut.C00317 (1 of 3) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase M. guttatus v2.0 4084   scaffold_3: 8814550-8818633
Araha.28698s0003 (1 of 2) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase A. halleri v1.1 2945   Scaffold28698: 4277-7221
Cagra.2774s0011 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase C. grandiflora v1.1 2846   Scaffold2774: 40730-43575
Glyma.07G085400 (1 of 2) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase G. max Wm82.a2.v1 5978   Chr07: 7870356-7876333
Glyma.09G191500 (1 of 2) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase G. max Wm82.a2.v1 6664   Chr09: 41620935-41627598
Brara.G00634 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase B. rapa FPsc v1.3 3008   A07: 8175925-8178932
Bostr.19424s0165 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase B. stricta v1.2 2967   Scaffold19424: 1530392-1533358
Medtr6g087530 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 5752   chr6: 32915946-32921697
SapurV1A.1032s0010 (1 of 2) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase S. purpurea v1.0 5523   chr18: 8339700-8345222
SapurV1A.0558s0010 (1 of 2) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase S. purpurea v1.0 5518   Scaffold0558: 533-6050
Traes_6BS_837B607E0 (1 of 3) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase T. aestivum v2.2 6139   ta_iwgsc_6bs_v1_2978945: 1030-7168
Traes_6DS_02839BCD3 (1 of 3) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase T. aestivum v2.2 8301   ta_iwgsc_6ds_v1_2085506: 562-8862
Eucgr.C01033 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase E. grandis v2.0 4957   Chr03: 16905900-16910856
Prupe.7G232400 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase P. persica v2.1 3980   Pp07: 20320126-20324105
GSMUA_Achr7G10880_001 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase M. acuminata v1 9894   chr7: 8716073-8725966
Manes.16G114900 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase M. esculenta v6.1 5263   Chromosome16: 26978332-26983594
Kalax.0162s0080 (1 of 2) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase K. laxiflora v1.1 5943   scaffold_162: 480682-486624
Kalax.0052s0008 (1 of 2) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase K. laxiflora v1.1 4327   scaffold_52: 64823-69149
Seita.1G008700 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase S. italica v2.2 6732   scaffold_1: 641566-648297
Bradi3g09901 (1 of 1) - tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase / Isoleucine-specific transfer ribonucleate lysidine synthetase B. distachyon v3.1 7330   Bd3: 8111587-8118916

65 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Migut.K01516.1.p M. guttatus v2.0 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 3 5273 Angiosperm
Migut.G00900.1.p M. guttatus v2.0 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 3 5273 Angiosperm
Migut.C00317.1.p M. guttatus v2.0 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 3 5273 Angiosperm
AL3G40100.t1 A. lyrata v2.1 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
Tp57577_TGAC_v2_mRNA10385 T. pratense v2 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
DCAR_002532 D. carota v2.0 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
Araha.28698s0003.1.p A. halleri v1.1 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
AUR62010999-RA C. quinoa v1.0 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 2 5273 Angiosperm
AUR62021510-RA C. quinoa v1.0 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 2 5273 Angiosperm
Cagra.2774s0011.1.p C. grandiflora v1.1 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
Glyma.09G191500.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 2 5273 Angiosperm
Glyma.07G085400.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 2 5273 Angiosperm
Brara.G00634.1.p B. rapa FPsc v1.3 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
Bostr.19424s0165.1.p B. stricta v1.2 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
orange1.1g005288m C. sinensis v1.1 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
Medtr6g087530.1 M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
SapurV1A.1032s0010.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 2 5273 Angiosperm
SapurV1A.0558s0010.1.p S. purpurea v1.0 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 2 5273 Angiosperm
AT3G24560.2 A. thaliana TAIR10 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
Traes_6BS_837B607E0.1 T. aestivum v2.2 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 2 5273 Angiosperm
Traes_6DS_02839BCD3.1 T. aestivum v2.2 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 2 5273 Angiosperm
Eucgr.C01033.1.p E. grandis v2.0 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
Prupe.7G232400.1.p P. persica v2.1 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
Thhalv10002431m E. salsugineum v1.0 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
GSMUA_Achr7P10880_001 M. acuminata v1 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
Manes.16G114900.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
Kalax.0052s0008.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 2 5273 Angiosperm
Kalax.0162s0080.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 2 5273 Angiosperm
Ciclev10007624m C. clementina v1.0 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm
Seita.1G008700.1.p S. italica v2.2 122026304 ATP-binding domain-containing protein, putative, expressed 1 5273 Angiosperm