Protein Family : copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 123737302

Method ID:  5271 Method Name:  Pentapetalae
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  52

52 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
29840.t000030 (1 of 4) K17686 - Cu+-exporting ATPase (copA, ATP7) R. communis v0.1 7324   29840: 526449-533772
Cucsa.048720 (1 of 4) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) C. sativus v1.0 6191   scaffold00542: 3357106-3363296
orange1.1g001896m.g (1 of 3) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) C. sinensis v1.1 7991   scaffold00008: 1379180-1387170
AT5G44790 (1 of 2) - Cu(+) exporting ATPase A. thaliana TAIR10 RAN1 4379   Chr5: 18075610-18079988
Thhalv10000758m.g (1 of 3) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) E. salsugineum v1.0 4423   scaffold_20: 484556-488978
Ciclev10014141m.g (1 of 5) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) C. clementina v1.0 7682   scaffold_2: 29892184-29899865
Lus10036225.g (1 of 6) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) L. usitatissimum v1.0 4932   scaffold27: 248059-252990
Lus10038364.g (1 of 6) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) L. usitatissimum v1.0 4470   scaffold28: 918426-922895
Gorai.008G049700 (1 of 3) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) G. raimondii v2.1 6319   Chr08: 6995458-7001776
Thecc1EG006015 (1 of 3) - Cu(+) exporting ATPase T. cacao v1.1 7348   scaffold_2: 285876-293223
Migut.M02001 (1 of 5) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) M. guttatus v2.0 5254   scaffold_13: 21107851-21113104
Cagra.1562s0020 (1 of 1) PF00122//PF00403//PF00702 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (Hydrolase) C. grandiflora v1.1 3527   Scaffold1562: 77101-80627
Glyma.05G132900 (1 of 10) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) G. max Wm82.a2.v1 5436   Chr05: 32578299-32583734
Glyma.08G087300 (1 of 10) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) G. max Wm82.a2.v1 5626   Chr08: 6605384-6611009
Glyma.09G052000 (1 of 10) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) G. max Wm82.a2.v1 7514   Chr09: 4519979-4527492
Glyma.15G158300 (1 of 10) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) G. max Wm82.a2.v1 7742   Chr15: 13263648-13271389
Brara.F03711 (1 of 6) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) B. rapa FPsc v1.3 4026   A06: 28199059-28203084
Bostr.29514s0025 (1 of 4) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) B. stricta v1.2 4380   Scaffold29514: 205846-210225
Medtr2g035840 (1 of 7) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 6204   chr2: 15206300-15212503
Medtr4g094695 (1 of 7) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 6540   chr4: 38743754-38750293
SapurV1A.0210s0180 (1 of 5) - Cu(+) exporting ATPase S. purpurea v1.0 6565   chr01: 13589810-13596374
SapurV1A.0104s0330 (1 of 5) - Cu(+) exporting ATPase S. purpurea v1.0 7155   chr03: 5646346-5653500
Eucgr.D00027 (1 of 6) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) E. grandis v2.0 8301   Chr04: 220238-228538
Prupe.4G115900 (1 of 6) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) P. persica v2.1 7461   Pp04: 6262935-6270395
Manes.03G074800 (1 of 6) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) M. esculenta v6.1 7212   Chromosome03: 10250402-10257613
Manes.16G060400 (1 of 6) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) M. esculenta v6.1 7314   Chromosome16: 18783860-18791173
Kalax.0111s0015 (1 of 9) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) K. laxiflora v1.1 5468   scaffold_111: 131347-136814
Kalax.0313s0022 (1 of 9) PF00122//PF00403//PF12710 - E1-E2 ATPase (E1-E2_ATPase) // Heavy-metal-associated domain (HMA) // haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) K. laxiflora v1.1 5336   scaffold_313: 226352-231687
Kaladp0024s0591 (1 of 4) K17686 - Cu+-exporting ATPase (copA, ATP7) K. fedtschenkoi v1.1 5480   Scaffold_24: 5088126-5093605
AL8G14730 (1 of 2) K17686 - Cu+-exporting ATPase (copA, ATP7) A. lyrata v2.1 4365   scaffold_8: 2954937-2959301

52 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
29840.m000632 R. communis v0.1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Gorai.008G049700.1 G. raimondii v2.1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Glyma.05G132900.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Glyma.08G087300.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Medtr4g094695.1 M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Manes.03G074800.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Kalax.0111s0015.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Kaladp0024s0591.1.p K. fedtschenkoi v1.1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
AUR62042799-RA C. quinoa v1.0 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 2 5271 Pentapetalae
AUR62040482-RA C. quinoa v1.0 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Potri.003G075700.1.p P. trichocarpa v3.1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Potri.001G158900.1.p P. trichocarpa v3.1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 2 5271 Pentapetalae
PGSC0003DMP400016690 S. tuberosum v4.03 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Oeu056056.1 O. europaea v1.0 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
VIT_201s0011g01360.1 V. vinifera v2.1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Lsat_1_v5_gn_5_47401.1 L. sativa V8 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Ca_05133 C. arietinum v1.0 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Cucsa.048720.1 C. sativus v1.0 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
orange1.1g001896m C. sinensis v1.1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
AT5G44790.1 A. thaliana TAIR10 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Thhalv10000758m E. salsugineum v1.0 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Ciclev10014141m C. clementina v1.0 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Lus10036225 L. usitatissimum v1.0 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Lus10038364 L. usitatissimum v1.0 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 2 5271 Pentapetalae
Thecc1EG006015t1 T. cacao v1.1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Migut.M02001.1.p M. guttatus v2.0 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Cagra.1562s0020.1.p C. grandiflora v1.1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae
Glyma.15G158300.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Glyma.09G052000.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 4 5271 Pentapetalae
Brara.F03711.1.p B. rapa FPsc v1.3 123737302 copper-exporting ATPase / responsive-to-antagonist 1 / copper-transporting ATPase (RAN1) 1 5271 Pentapetalae