Protein Family : ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 122042498

Method ID:  5273 Method Name:  Angiosperm
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  60

60 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
30099.t000076 (1 of 1) PTHR31412//PTHR31412:SF2 - FAMILY NOT NAMED // ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED R. communis v0.1 3562   30099: 362508-366069
Cucsa.298490 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED C. sativus v1.0 3888   scaffold02901: 115277-119164
orange1.1g012885m.g (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED C. sinensis v1.1 3264   scaffold00236: 119622-122885
AT1G17870 (1 of 1) PTHR31412//PTHR31412:SF2 - FAMILY NOT NAMED // ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED A. thaliana TAIR10 EGY3 2284   Chr1: 6149939-6152222
Thhalv10007206m.g (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED E. salsugineum v1.0 2178   scaffold_5: 9352977-9355154
Ciclev10028052m.g (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED C. clementina v1.0 3411   scaffold_8: 1715522-1718932
Lus10006140.g (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED L. usitatissimum v1.0 2278   scaffold141: 148370-150647
Gorai.002G011000 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED G. raimondii v2.1 3573   Chr02: 720454-724026
Thecc1EG007262 (1 of 1) PTHR31412//PTHR31412:SF2 - FAMILY NOT NAMED // ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED T. cacao v1.1 4529   scaffold_2: 6050573-6055101
Migut.B00463 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED M. guttatus v2.0 3010   scaffold_2: 2185302-2188311
Cagra.2175s0020 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED C. grandiflora v1.1 2218   Scaffold2175: 76232-78449
Glyma.01G241500 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED G. max Wm82.a2.v1 3785   Chr01: 56542550-56546334
Brara.F01257 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED B. rapa FPsc v1.3 2139   A06: 7007855-7009993
Bostr.7128s0396 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED B. stricta v1.2 2201   Scaffold7128: 1783651-1785851
Medtr4g010130 (1 of 6) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 3668   chr4: 2236279-2239946
SapurV1A.0005s0100 (1 of 1) PTHR31412//PTHR31412:SF2 - FAMILY NOT NAMED // ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED S. purpurea v1.0 3900   chr16: 17067675-17071574
evm_27.TU.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00065.38 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED A. trichopoda v1.0 4719   AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00065: 761613-766331
Traes_4BS_77D1E043F (1 of 4) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED T. aestivum v2.2 3404   ta_iwgsc_4bs_v1_529467: 2630-6033
Traes_4DS_8B71AA2E2 (1 of 4) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED T. aestivum v2.2 4767   ta_iwgsc_4ds_v1_2289842: 2384-7150
Eucgr.G01188 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED E. grandis v2.0 4468   Chr07: 18141790-18146257
Prupe.8G150400 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED P. persica v2.1 2715   Pp08: 16378344-16381058
GSMUA_Achr8G04980_001 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED M. acuminata v1 4560   chr8: 3283821-3288380
Manes.10G087000 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED M. esculenta v6.1 4536   Chromosome10: 17893299-17897834
Kalax.0114s0086 (1 of 2) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED K. laxiflora v1.1 2815   scaffold_114: 532433-535247
Kalax.0670s0004 (1 of 2) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED K. laxiflora v1.1 4430   scaffold_670: 10228-14657
Seita.9G108100 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED S. italica v2.2 2773   scaffold_9: 6556626-6559398
Bradi1g09950 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED B. distachyon v3.1 2889   Bd1: 7145828-7148716
Aco009652 (1 of 1) PTHR31412//PTHR31412:SF2 - FAMILY NOT NAMED // ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED A. comosus v3 4769   LG01: 657647-662415
Aqcoe5G094900 (1 of 1) PTHR31412:SF2 - ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED A. coerulea v3.1 3586   Chr_05: 5099137-5102722
LOC_Os03g51920 (1 of 1) PTHR31412//PTHR31412:SF2 - FAMILY NOT NAMED // ZINC METALLOPEPTIDASE EGY3, CHLOROPLASTIC-RELATED O. sativa v7.0 2403   Chr3: 29784613-29787015

60 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Thhalv10007206m E. salsugineum v1.0 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Migut.B00463.1.p M. guttatus v2.0 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00065.38 A. trichopoda v1.0 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Traes_4BS_77D1E043F.1 T. aestivum v2.2 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 2 5273 Angiosperm
Traes_4DS_8B71AA2E2.1 T. aestivum v2.2 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 2 5273 Angiosperm
Eucgr.G01188.1.p E. grandis v2.0 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Prupe.8G150400.1.p P. persica v2.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
GSMUA_Achr8P04980_001 M. acuminata v1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Manes.10G087000.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Kalax.0670s0004.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 2 5273 Angiosperm
Kalax.0114s0086.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 2 5273 Angiosperm
Seita.9G108100.1.p S. italica v2.2 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Bradi1g09950.2.p B. distachyon v3.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Brast02G292200.1.p B. stacei v1.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Aco009652.1 A. comosus v3 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Aqcoe5G094900.1.p A. coerulea v3.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
LOC_Os03g51920.1 O. sativa v7.0 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Kaladp0040s0279.1.p K. fedtschenkoi v1.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Tp57577_TGAC_v2_mRNA39940 T. pratense v2 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
AUR62027024-RA C. quinoa v1.0 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 2 5273 Angiosperm
Zm00008a005073_P01 Z. mays PH207 v1.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
PGSC0003DMP400044563 S. tuberosum v4.03 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Pavir.9NG121300.1.p P. virgatum v4.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 2 5273 Angiosperm
Oeu037293.1 O. europaea v1.0 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
HORVU4Hr1G009990.2 H. vulgare r1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
MD10G1110200 M. domestica v1.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Zm00001d033872_P001 Z. mays RefGen_V4 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
Pahal.9G103700.1.p P. hallii v3.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
PhHAL.9G100700.1.p P. hallii HAL v2.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm
OsKitaake03g324300.1.p O. sativa Kitaake v3.1 122042498 ethylene-dependent gravitropism-deficient and yellow-green-like 3 1 5273 Angiosperm