Protein Family : photosynthetic electron transfer C 122045987

Method ID:  5273 Method Name:  Angiosperm
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  75

75 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
30225.t000018 (1 of 1) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex R. communis v0.1 3222   30225: 625449-628670
Cucsa.148060 (1 of 1) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex C. sativus v1.0 2959   scaffold01107: 308766-311724
orange1.1g027005m.g (1 of 1) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex C. sinensis v1.1 3445   scaffold00108: 315359-318803
AT4G03280 (1 of 1) K02636 - cytochrome b6-f complex iron-sulfur subunit (petC) A. thaliana TAIR10 PETC 1718   Chr4: 1440146-1441863
Thhalv10028941m.g (1 of 1) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex E. salsugineum v1.0 1927   scaffold_3: 1655596-1657522
Ciclev10016706m.g (1 of 1) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex C. clementina v1.0 3337   scaffold_2: 20153460-20156796
Lus10018521.g (1 of 2) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex L. usitatissimum v1.0 1191   scaffold1308: 159247-160437
Lus10039739.g (1 of 2) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex L. usitatissimum v1.0 1193   scaffold15: 1431828-1433020
Gorai.005G206500 (1 of 3) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex G. raimondii v2.1 2215   Chr05: 58548528-58550742
Gorai.005G206600 (1 of 3) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex G. raimondii v2.1 2406   Chr05: 58556571-58558976
Thecc1EG007877 (1 of 1) K02636 - cytochrome b6-f complex iron-sulfur subunit (petC) T. cacao v1.1 4189   scaffold_2: 9656808-9660996
Migut.M00361 (1 of 1) PTHR10134:SF5 - CYTOCHROME B6-F COMPLEX IRON-SULFUR SUBUNIT, CHLOROPLASTIC M. guttatus v2.0 2682   scaffold_13: 6119677-6122358
Araha.7612s0007 (1 of 1) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex A. halleri v1.1 1572   Scaffold7612: 12828-14399
Cagra.8586s0006 (1 of 1) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex C. grandiflora v1.1 1734   Scaffold8586: 20997-22730
Glyma.12G199400 (1 of 2) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex G. max Wm82.a2.v1 3312   Chr12: 36079045-36082356
Glyma.13G302900 (1 of 2) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex G. max Wm82.a2.v1 3067   Chr13: 39981657-39984723
Brara.I00218 (1 of 2) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex B. rapa FPsc v1.3 1720   A09: 1225203-1226922
Brara.C02763 (1 of 2) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex B. rapa FPsc v1.3 1391   A03: 14154402-14155792
Bostr.2983s0113 (1 of 2) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex B. stricta v1.2 1702   Scaffold2983: 703440-705141
Medtr2g089510 (1 of 1) PTHR10134:SF5 - CYTOCHROME B6-F COMPLEX IRON-SULFUR SUBUNIT, CHLOROPLASTIC M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 2511   chr2: 37843606-37846116
SapurV1A.2051s0020 (1 of 2) K02636 - cytochrome b6-f complex iron-sulfur subunit (petC) S. purpurea v1.0 2056   chr13: 18308416-18310471
SapurV1A.3356s0010 (1 of 2) K02636 - cytochrome b6-f complex iron-sulfur subunit (petC) S. purpurea v1.0 2413   Scaffold3356: 1-2413
evm_27.TU.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00072.37 (1 of 1) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex A. trichopoda v1.0 3791   AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00072: 967634-971424
Traes_2AS_1475F8BDB (1 of 1) PF00355//PF08802 - Rieske [2Fe-2S] domain (Rieske) // Cytochrome B6-F complex Fe-S subunit (CytB6-F_Fe-S) T. aestivum v2.2 1974   ta_iwgsc_2as_v1_5241293: 1281-3254
Eucgr.A01769 (1 of 2) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex E. grandis v2.0 2781   Chr01: 32711313-32714093
Prupe.3G228100 (1 of 2) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex P. persica v2.1 3057   Pp03: 22718207-22721263
GSMUA_Achr9G24590_001 (1 of 3) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex M. acuminata v1 4077   chr9: 29337570-29341646
Manes.14G016000 (1 of 2) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex M. esculenta v6.1 4073   Chromosome14: 1525498-1529570
Kalax.0014s0060 (1 of 3) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex K. laxiflora v1.1 1486   scaffold_14: 597093-598578
Kalax.0436s0002 (1 of 3) - Plastoquinol--plastocyanin reductase / Cytochrome b6f complex K. laxiflora v1.1 1701   scaffold_436: 12077-13777

75 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
Cucsa.148060.1 C. sativus v1.0 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Lus10018521 L. usitatissimum v1.0 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 2 5273 Angiosperm
Araha.7612s0007.1.p A. halleri v1.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Migut.M00361.1.p M. guttatus v2.0 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Glyma.12G199400.1.p G. max Wm82.a2.v1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 2 5273 Angiosperm
evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00072.37 A. trichopoda v1.0 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Traes_2AS_1475F8BDB.1 T. aestivum v2.2 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Prupe.3G228100.1.p P. persica v2.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
GSMUA_Achr9P24590_001 M. acuminata v1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Manes.14G016000.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Kalax.0014s0060.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 2 5273 Angiosperm
Seita.1G016500.1.p S. italica v2.2 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Bradi1g24980.1.p B. distachyon v3.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Brast06G096200.1.p B. stacei v1.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Aco009125.1 A. comosus v3 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Aqcoe4G264400.1.p A. coerulea v3.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
LOC_Os07g37030.1 O. sativa v7.0 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Zosma415g00020.1 Z. marina v2.2 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
DCAR_008695 D. carota v2.0 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
AUR62033720-RA C. quinoa v1.0 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 2 5273 Angiosperm
AUR62025154-RA C. quinoa v1.0 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 2 5273 Angiosperm
Phvul.005G109400.1.p P. vulgaris v2.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Zm00008a018462_P01 Z. mays PH207 v1.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 2 5273 Angiosperm
Zm00008a021537_P01 Z. mays PH207 v1.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 2 5273 Angiosperm
Potri.013G148900.1.p P. trichocarpa v3.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 2 5273 Angiosperm
Podel.13G185900.1.p P. deltoides WV94 v2.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 2 5273 Angiosperm
Oeu019373.1 O. europaea v1.0 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
Sobic.009G143100.1.p S. bicolor v3.1.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm
VIT_203s0017g00940.1 V. vinifera v2.1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 3 5273 Angiosperm
HORVU2Hr1G041610.4 H. vulgare r1 122045987 photosynthetic electron transfer C 1 5273 Angiosperm