Protein Family : Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 122046547

Method ID:  5273 Method Name:  Angiosperm
Sequence Alignment:  View MSA Member Count:  76

76 Genes

Primary Identifier Defline Organism Name Symbol Length Chromosome Location
30076.t000116 (1 of 1) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase // Glutamate--tRNA ligase / Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase R. communis v0.1 4825   30076: 707542-712366
Cucsa.094750 (1 of 2) PTHR11451:SF21 - BIFUNCTIONAL GLUTAMATE/PROLINE--TRNA LIGASE C. sativus v1.0 5349   scaffold00919: 865260-870608
orange1.1g015587m.g (1 of 4) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase C. sinensis v1.1 4323   scaffold00024: 1001282-1005604
orange1.1g010398m.g (1 of 4) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase C. sinensis v1.1 6195   scaffold00001: 3835614-3841808
AT3G62120 (1 of 3) K01881 - prolyl-tRNA synthetase (PARS, proS) A. thaliana TAIR10 3292   Chr3: 23001030-23004321
Thhalv10005900m.g (1 of 2) PTHR11451:SF21 - BIFUNCTIONAL GLUTAMATE/PROLINE--TRNA LIGASE E. salsugineum v1.0 3724   scaffold_19: 446895-450618
Ciclev10019765m.g (1 of 4) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase C. clementina v1.0 6266   scaffold_3: 47092820-47099085
Ciclev10031253m.g (1 of 1) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase // Glutamate--tRNA ligase / Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase C. clementina v1.0 5551   scaffold_4: 3226868-3232418
Lus10016281.g (1 of 1) PTHR11451:SF21 - BIFUNCTIONAL GLUTAMATE/PROLINE--TRNA LIGASE L. usitatissimum v1.0 3413   scaffold947: 590057-593469
Gorai.008G134700 (1 of 2) PF00587//PF03129//PF09180 - tRNA synthetase class II core domain (G, H, P, S and T) (tRNA-synt_2b) // Anticodon binding domain (HGTP_anticodon) // Prolyl-tRNA synthetase, C-terminal (ProRS-C_1) G. raimondii v2.1 5405   Chr08: 38260873-38266277
Thecc1EG004945 (1 of 2) K01881 - prolyl-tRNA synthetase (PARS, proS) T. cacao v1.1 5992   scaffold_1: 34261132-34267123
Migut.D02441 (1 of 4) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase M. guttatus v2.0 5086   scaffold_4: 20342656-20347741
Migut.N02489 (1 of 4) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase M. guttatus v2.0 5417   scaffold_14: 21749378-21754794
Araha.25971s0005 (1 of 2) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase // Glutamate--tRNA ligase / Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase A. halleri v1.1 1917   Scaffold25971: 14267-16183
Cagra.0612s0077 (1 of 7) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase C. grandiflora v1.1 2892   Scaffold612: 273214-276105
Glyma.03G224500 (1 of 8) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase G. max Wm82.a2.v1 4809   Chr03: 42676517-42681325
Glyma.19G221400 (1 of 8) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase G. max Wm82.a2.v1 5031   Chr19: 47321122-47326152
Brara.G01958 (1 of 8) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase B. rapa FPsc v1.3 3145   A07: 17846036-17849180
Brara.I04296 (1 of 8) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase B. rapa FPsc v1.3 2877   A09: 37902065-37904941
Bostr.13158s0217 (1 of 1) PTHR11451:SF21 - BIFUNCTIONAL GLUTAMATE/PROLINE--TRNA LIGASE B. stricta v1.2 3312   Scaffold13158: 1056338-1059649
Medtr7g110660 (1 of 6) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase M. truncatula Mt4.0v1 5897   chr7: 45351361-45357257
SapurV1A.1064s0060 (1 of 1) PTHR11451//PTHR11451:SF21 - TRNA SYNTHETASE-RELATED // BIFUNCTIONAL GLUTAMATE/PROLINE--TRNA LIGASE S. purpurea v1.0 5707   chr14: 8630473-8636179
evm_27.TU.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00058.91 (1 of 1) PTHR11451:SF21 - BIFUNCTIONAL GLUTAMATE/PROLINE--TRNA LIGASE A. trichopoda v1.0 10373   AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00058: 1719546-1729918
Traes_1DL_C79395C30 (1 of 21) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase T. aestivum v2.2 9342   ta_iwgsc_1dl_v1_2264472: 2765-12106
Traes_3AL_45EF63187 (1 of 21) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase T. aestivum v2.2 7312   ta_iwgsc_3al_v1_1562714: 841-8152
Traes_3B_50450B9D2 (1 of 21) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase T. aestivum v2.2 9551   ta_iwgsc_3b_v1_10763626: 347-9897
Traes_3DL_703CAFA23 (1 of 21) - Proline--tRNA ligase / Prolyl-tRNA synthetase T. aestivum v2.2 7471   ta_iwgsc_3dl_v1_6890461: 192-7662
Eucgr.J00690 (1 of 2) PTHR11451:SF21 - BIFUNCTIONAL GLUTAMATE/PROLINE--TRNA LIGASE E. grandis v2.0 6653   Chr10: 7378311-7384963
Eucgr.K00563 (1 of 2) PTHR11451:SF21 - BIFUNCTIONAL GLUTAMATE/PROLINE--TRNA LIGASE E. grandis v2.0 4448   Chr11: 6275902-6280349
Prupe.1G103500 (1 of 2) PTHR11451:SF21 - BIFUNCTIONAL GLUTAMATE/PROLINE--TRNA LIGASE P. persica v2.1 5670   Pp01: 8261455-8267124

76 Members

Protein Name Organism Name Cluster ID Cluster Name Same Organism Count Method ID Method Name
30076.m004552 R. communis v0.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Lus10016281 L. usitatissimum v1.0 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Gorai.008G134700.1 G. raimondii v2.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Thecc1EG004945t2 T. cacao v1.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Araha.25971s0005.1.p A. halleri v1.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Migut.N02489.1.p M. guttatus v2.0 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 2 5273 Angiosperm
Migut.D02441.1.p M. guttatus v2.0 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 2 5273 Angiosperm
evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00058.91 A. trichopoda v1.0 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Traes_1DL_C79395C30.1 T. aestivum v2.2 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 4 5273 Angiosperm
Traes_3DL_703CAFA23.1 T. aestivum v2.2 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 4 5273 Angiosperm
Traes_3AL_45EF63187.1 T. aestivum v2.2 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 4 5273 Angiosperm
Traes_3B_50450B9D2.1 T. aestivum v2.2 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 4 5273 Angiosperm
Eucgr.J00690.1.p E. grandis v2.0 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 2 5273 Angiosperm
Eucgr.K00563.1.p E. grandis v2.0 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 2 5273 Angiosperm
GSMUA_Achr4P09390_001 M. acuminata v1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Manes.01G235100.1.p M. esculenta v6.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Kalax.1022s0002.1.p K. laxiflora v1.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Seita.3G299900.1.p S. italica v2.2 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Bradi4g07854.1.p B. distachyon v3.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Brast10G090500.1.p B. stacei v1.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Aco009394.1 A. comosus v3 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Aqcoe6G183600.1.p A. coerulea v3.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
LOC_Os12g25710.1 O. sativa v7.0 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Zosma112g00560.1 Z. marina v2.2 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Kaladp0046s0010.1.p K. fedtschenkoi v1.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
DCAR_002557 D. carota v2.0 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
AUR62035889-RA C. quinoa v1.0 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 2 5273 Angiosperm
Phvul.001G218300.1.p P. vulgaris v2.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 1 5273 Angiosperm
Potri.002G187000.2.p P. trichocarpa v3.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 2 5273 Angiosperm
Podel.02G206300.1.p P. deltoides WV94 v2.1 122046547 Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases superfamily protein 2 5273 Angiosperm